What are Intensive Study Weeks?
A highlight of the Academic Year is when Luther Academy students from all over the world come together for the Intensive Study Weeks in order to study a subject intensively and join in the fellowship that they share in Christ. The location is set in advance and include such places as learning centers associated with the Luther Academy in Latvia, as well as the heartland of the Reformation in Germany - Lutherstadt Wittenberg.
The Intensive Study Weeks consist of an intensive study schedule as well as a routine of prayer, and organised and informal extra curricular activities, including day trips to scenic sights. The Intensive Study Week is the pinnacle of the excellence of teaching by our lecturers, the fellowship of faith among our students, and the gracious support and cooperation we receive from our partners at The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and elsewhere. Room and board, as well as study material are provided, and opportunities to visit the Intensive Study Weeks are subject to availability.
Photos courtesy of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod/Erik M. Lunsford. Used by permission.