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2022 Spring Intensive Study Week

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

On 3 April 2022, students from Malawi, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, and Italy journeyed to Rīga and Saldus for the 2022 Spring Intensive Study Week (ISW). Since much of Luther Academy’s instruction takes place online, gathering for in-person instruction, worship and fellowship is a critical element in educational and professional development. Our instructors were Rev. Dr. Arthur Just of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, who taught on the topic Diakonia and Archbishop D.D. Janis Vanags who taught on the topic of Church and Office.

Luther Academy’s ISW began in Rīga with the Divine Service in the historic Rīga Dome and a tour of the Old Town Rīga (a highlight was seeing St. Peter’s Church where the Reformation in Latvia began 500 years prior). Every day began with Matins at St. John’s and continued with instruction in Feldmanis Hall at Luther Academy. The second half of the week was spent at St. Gregor’s Education Center in Saldus (about 100 kilometers west of Rīga) where, again, the morning office was held and a closing Divine Service at Martin Luther Lutheran Church.

An invaluable organizational, financial, and teaching faculty provision role during the ISW was played by our dear partners and colleagues in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. For enabling such a broad range of participants to attend the week in person for deepening their theological learning, for the edification of their faith, and for sharing in Communion in the love of Christ, we give our sincere gratitude and give praise to God for this joint effort of strengthening and equipping Christ's laborers in the field!

Luther Academy’s next ISW will take place in Latvia again in June 2023 and will last for 2 weeks.

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